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We are looking forward to your message.

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Convince yourself that we will thoroughly examine your mission and personally report to you on initial, specially tailored solutions and rough concepts that are fully geared towards practical application. Our consultation is 100% free of charge & without obligation.

"Your mission is our mission"

Describe your case to us. Together, we will search for the perfect solution and discover the paths that will effectively lead you to your goal.

Thank you for clicking anyway.

Thank you for clicking&nbsptrotzdem.


But why did you click?

...this is because of the reactance effect. No one should try to restrict us.

Reactance is a psychological form of defense in which emotional arguments, pressure, threats or prohibitions cause a defensive reaction. People then tend to take exactly the position from which they should be dissuaded.

People are not defenseless or easily manipulated creatures - their weapon is reactance. If a salesman is too pushy, an admirer too insistent, the pressure too high to perform a certain action, people often decide to do exactly the opposite, even if they have to accept losses as a result.

They cancel an order process, ignore an offer from a seller, or leave the site.